Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good Luck, Justin!

Today is Justin's surgery.

In case you didn't know. Justin hurt his hand while starting the mower a couple of weeks ago. As it turns out his ring finger will need a couple screws where the bone has chipped away.

Justin is very nervous. To make matters worse...I cannot be there during his surgery. I have a presentation for work that I cannot miss. However, Penny and John will be in the waiting room. Thanks so much Penny and John!

Justin, I love you. Jackson loves you. I'm certain everything will go great. I'm sorry I can't be with you...but you will be on my mind the entire time.

I am prepared for an entire week of Justin milking his surgery...that is ok, I would do the same!



Nickie Eisele said...

We'll keep you in our prayers, Justin. Let us know how you're doing. Love, John, Nickie and Breydon

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he'll get well soon!!!

Love you guys

Anonymous said...

Holy cow...who knew trying to start a lawn mower could give you such an injury!! Good Luck Justin!!


deb said...

Glad Justin is ok after the surgery. And now that I know he is, I can tease him and say...

Hope you like milk, Kris.
