Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day Care Update...

Last week, while my mom was here we went to meet Jackson's daycare teachers. I told my mom I had hoped our meeting would go well. I wanted to feel good about his time at daycare. My mom and Justin came along for our meeting.

Well, it didn't go as well as planned. The room was unorganized, children were screaming, and the actual teachers were no where to be found. After some searching, the teachers came to the room (let me remind you our meeting was scheduled). There were some other issues that I will leave to your imagination. Needless to say, I didn't leave in a great mood.

I tried to remind myself that I had been through a lot these last few weeks. I was certain my emotions were running high. My mother was so kind and said "it will be fine." Her only criticism was "it was kind of small." She said, "I know you searched all the daycare centers in town. I trust your decision."

That night at dinner, Justin was very quiet. I pressed him on what was wrong. He finally admitted he just couldn't send Jackson to this daycare. I tried to be strong and firmly say, it was the best daycare in town and he will be just fine. But in the back of my mind I agreed with Justin.

Saturday at breakfast, our conversation turned to Justin's sister, Ashley. I mentioned I thought she was looking for a job and wondered if Justin had any ideas to help her in her search. He almost jumped out of his seat, "Why don't we ask her to be Jackson's nanny?" We talked over the details and asked her that night at dinner. We told her to take as long as she needed to think about it.

I was on edge all weekend hoping she would say yes. She called Justin yesterday evening and said she would do it! I had tears of joy when he told me the news. Lately, tears of joy don't come too often for me. However, this was great news.

I know he will have to be in daycare one day...but for now it was just too much for me right now.

I am very thankful to Ashley for taking us up on our offer. Justin, Jackson, and I are very lucky to have her. Thank you so much Ashley!

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