Thursday, September 18, 2008

Justin is normal….well, almost.

At the Kenny Chesney Concert

I wanted to do a quick post to say thank you to all who have continued call or e-mail to check in on Justin.

For all others, here is a quick update: The finger is getting better each day. In fact, Justin had his stitches taken out this week. He continues to do the exercises and he is still wearing the “duck” cast. He will continue to do so for four more weeks.

Justin did take a turn for the worse a few days after surgery. Long story short, he had a bad reaction to the pain medicine. After some further testing, the pain meds had shut down part of Justin’s liver function temporarily. However, after a few days of drinking Gatorade and water like it’s….well, like it’s water…he is back to normal. The doctor said he will be just fine. It was scary for a few days as I knew Justin was feeling terrible (he even passed up having a few beers at the Kenny Chesney concert). However, things are starting to look up for Justin.

Thanks to everyone for all your get well wishes!

1 comment:

deb said...

Normal? I beg to differ.