Eight years ago today -
I married my best friend, the one that I live for, laugh with and love.
Justin and I celebrated our anniversary this weekend with a short trip to Las Vegas. Justin had placed two tickets to see Garth Brooks' Vegas show under our Christmas tree this year for me. Justin knew that seeing this show was on my "bucket list" and wanted nothing more than to help me mark it off. Truth be told, he was looking forward to himself.
We were only in Vegas for two days, but it was such a great weekend get-a-way. I cherish the times we get to get-a-way just the two of us. Especially times like this when we get to explore and experience new things. Justin showed me the ropes of the Casino - we even won a little! We even took in a burlesque show so we could really get a taste of Vegas. It was a bit "out-of-the-box" for me, but that is what Vegas is all about, right?
Garth's show was amazing. It was just the country star, a guitar, and a stool. Garth sang songs from almost every decade and told the story of how all music has influenced his life. I kept wanting to pinch myself to see if I was really there. I even teared up when he sang Merle Haggard and George Jones (my Dad would have loved it)! I thought Justin was going to jump out of his seat when he sang Billy Joel's Piano Man....and we both were up out of our seats screaming Friends in Low Places with the rest of the crowd. It was really an amazing show - we are already talking about making sure we see it one more time before Garth leaves Vegas!
At the end of the weekend we both agreed it might have been one of our favorite weekends together. But truth be told, I could go to a corn field for the weekend with Justin and have fun. We just seem to always find something to make us laugh - throw in Vegas and we are set for an entertaining weekend!
Enjoy some pictures from our weekend of Vegas fun, Garth, and sight-seeing!
In front of the Wynn
The Theater that Garth performed in.
Picking up our tickets the morning of the show.
We even ran into "Woody" on the strip!
Jackson saw this and is ticked...he thinks we went to Disney World without him! :)
A big thanks for helping me cross "See Garth Brooks" in concert off my Bucket List...I wouldn't have wanted to experience it with anyone else. Thank you for being my husband, my true love, and my best friend. Thank you for the past 8 years....here is to the next 88! :)