Today is Justin's 29th birthday. Here are some fun photos from our day with Justin's family!
Happy 29th Birthday!
First birthday gift from Jackson! Jackson got Justin a Putter return so Justin can brush up on some golf!
Check out the matching shorts for Jackson!
Happy Birthday!
This past year has been full of so many emotions for us.
This time last year we were preparing for Jackson's arrival. I will cherish the memories, talks, and moments we shared as we prepared for parenthood. I couldn't imagine going through this phase of my life with anyone but you.
When Jackson arrived, I watched you instantly become and amazing father. I love to watch you with Jackson. He loves you so much and I can already tell he looks up to his Daddy. Jackson and I are better for having you in our lives.
When I lost my Dad, you knew exactly what it meant for me. You, more than anyone, knew that I lost my best friend. You have stood by my side everyday since. When I want to cry, you give me your shoulder. When I want laugh at a funny memory of my Dad, you remind me of an even funnier memory. When I am sad that my Dad isn't here to watch me become a mother, you remind me that he got to see me be a mother...even if it was for such a short time. When I look at you out of no where and say, "I miss my Dad," your response touches my heart. You simply say, "I do too."
I will never be able to thank you enough for the support you have given me...but please know I am grateful. I can only hope to be the same support for you, as I know life is challenging you in different ways. You have my constant support and faith in your dreams.
As we hope that year 29 brings us more joy and less pain, I know one thing is for certain...we will have each other, our family of three, and a love that is strong.
I love you!